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President Tuski Takes Part in Radiothon for SAY Detroit to Talk About Detroit Dream Scholars With Mitch Album

December 9, 2022
A panel of speakers at WDET speaking live on air

President Tuski joined Mitch Album on WJR Radio on December 8, as part of the radiothon for SAY Detroit to talk about the Detroit Dream Scholars Fund.

Mitch Albom established the Dream Fund in the 1990s and then the Detroit Dream Scholars to make sure our city’s artistic talent does not wither because of lack of opportunity.

Each Detroit Dream Scholars award provides a four-year scholarship to study the arts at the nationally-renowned College for Creative Studies. Since 2011, more than $550,000 has been awarded to more than 20 students from Detroit.

Listen to the Interview:

A panel  of speakers at WDET speaking live on air